Monday, August 13, 2007

So the Doctor says...

Had my appointment with the maternal fetal medicine docs for the consolation for pregnancy loss. Not sure I got much out of it. Basically the prognosis is incompetent cervix from multiple gestations… OK so now what? It could happen again; it might not happen again; try not to get pregnant with multiples (means me telling fertility docs, just one transfer, which will reduce my overall chance of pregnancy. I know they do this in Europe all the time; still I worry). I had a zillion questions, but this doctor would not let me get a word in. He is a talker; a brilliant and well-known doc in his field (cerclage, high-risk pregnancy). I don’t think he is an expert in pregnancy loss (per by OB, who sent me to him). There is a second opinion I could go and get, but I doubt my insurance will cover, then I fear offending this doctor, who I might need one day. Plus the fact my husband seems satisfied with the outcome.

There was one strange item. I have 2 genes of MTHFR (or as my best friend likes to call it the Mother Fuc*er gene). My OB and this doc don’t seem to think its is a big deal. They are both of the same opinion that this gene mutation is not a factor for me or is a serious factor in general. Though you do a Google search of it and it seems pretty damn serious. Blood Clots, inhibits break down of folic acid etc… Anyway just one more thing to worry about.

I also have this fibroid inside of me that in all of the exams didn’t seem like a problem for getting pregnant. But I wonder if it is a problem with the incompetent cervix. Of course I forgot to ask the doc this question. Google didn’t come up with anything on this. I am probably just creating my own strange theories. The incompetent cervix just seems so random.

My mother loves to tell me stories about how many people she knows (including Sharon Osborne) who have gotten “stitched up”. Doesn’t make me feel any better. I don’t want to have to get stitched up. I want a nice normal pregnancy. I want to get pregnant on my own. For me, they were trying to save the second baby and truth be told they had it. My OB did a fantastic job of tying up the cord; the other doc who is one of the best in the country did an amazing job with the cerclage, and yet I still got an infection that pretty much killed twin B. She had pneumonia (isn’t that the crazies thing), an infection that could have come from the surgery or from inside of me. The ceclage made no difference at this point. So what makes me think if I need it again, it would save my next pregnancy?

Why is it so friggen hard from me to have a baby?
Saturday I had to go out and buy a birthday gift for one of husband’s friend’s kids (we get invited a zillion b-day parties a year). A little girl. We should have just done gift cards. But no, I had to go torture myself (and it was torture) getting her a little outfit. It hurt like hell. It really is so unfair.


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