Friday, July 27, 2007

Dinner with Friends

Tonight we are going to dinner some friends. I haven’t seen them since 3 days before everything went to hell, when she lent me her maternity clothes. I had just really popped (I was huge for 20 weeks). I am having a freak out! I just called Cheek’s and asked him if we could bail. He won’t let me. I can’t believe how anxious I am about this. Is it normal to feel like I am having an anxiety attack. Cause that is how I am feeling. I look like crap, I feel like crap, my mood is crap. I expect a crappy night. These are very good and close friends. What is wrong with me?


Blogger Missing_one said...

Totally normal.
I still get anxiety. Sometimes I go, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I go and then bail later.
If you think you might have a good time, than go but leave yourself an "out" if you are not feeling up to it.
If they are close friends, then they will understand...even if they don't really.
Wine always helps. :)

2:41 PM  
Blogger missing_one said...

I just reread your post so I guess not going is not an option?
Make sure you find out where the bathroom is, you may be making trips out there to cry. Make sure to wear water proof mascara
When you get there, make sure to order an alcoholic beverage right off the bat..and keep it coming
Hope you have an ok time

2:57 PM  
Blogger Catherine said...

What is wrong with you is that you are grieving...and it sucks...and being social is the last thing you want to do when you're grieving. I hope you're able to have a decent time. {{{hugs}}}

4:16 PM  

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