Monday, July 16, 2007


yeh that's me... back again. I realize I can only write when I am in pain. And for awhile, I was happy and just didn't have time to write my thoughts down.

Well happiness for me doesn't seem to last. It's a joke. I just re-read all of my old posts and I sound like a joke. I can't even remember that person.

The IVF worked. Pregnant with twins. Made it to 20 weeks. Was crib shopping one day, in labor the next. Seems disgustingly unfair.

8 weeks have passed I suprisingly get up every day, I go to work, I act normal. I try to live a life. I do it for my husband, my mom and dad, my best friend and even my boss. I haven't figured out how live for myself again. I use to be good at that. I get out of bed everyday as a sense of responsibity to my loved ones.

I finally reached out and searched for blogs on loss. Maybe it will help. I am already floored by the incredialbe strength and insight of these women and feel utterly foolish for thinking I am the only one.


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